Single Poker Ace and Position

by Bill Burton

This lesson is about Texas Hold ‘em and single poker ace from any Position at the How to Play Poker program.
There was a time before the poker revolution when most of the really bad Texas Hold’em poker players were found only in the low limit games. In the last few years however with the popularity of poker increasing along with the discretionary income of the players, you will find bad players in both low and higher limit games. Many of whom make the same common mistakes.
The biggest mistake that many losing Hold’em players make is to play any two suited cards from any position. I refer to it as ASAP.

The second biggest mistake is playing a Single Ace from any Position. I keep notes about players that I play against and I use the acronym SAP for this type of poker ace player and that is what many of them end up being when they play a single ace with no kicker.

Many players look down and see a single poker ace as one of their starting hands and get all excited. They think they have found a winning lottery ticket that they need only to bet to cash in.
Maybe this is due to the fact that you will only have an ace in your starting hand about 15 percent of the time.
But a single ace is not as strong as some players think it is. You can’t play a single ace with a low kicker from any position if you want to be a winning player especially if it is unsuited.
You’re Not Alone
The chances of one of your opponents holding an ace at the same time you do is directly related to the number of players in the game with you.
If you are in a ten handed game and hold a single ace the probability that no one else holds an ace is about 25 percent.
In other words, when you have a poker ace there is a 75 percent chance that someone else also has one as well.
Playing a single ace from early position is incorrect because you can be raised and re-raised.
If you don’t flop an ace you will probably lose money and even if you do flop an ace you could be beat by a higher kicker.
The second card that is dealt with your poker ace is the kicker.
If you play a single ace with a small kicker this is known as playing a weak ace. If there is another player in the hand who has a bigger kicker you will be a loser if an ace comes on the flop and your hand does not improve.
For example hold Ace-five and the flop is: Ace –Queen- 8.
If one of your opponents holds an ace your chance of winning with your five as a kicker is very slim. Your opponent would have to hold a four, three or deuce in order for you to win. There are only 12 cards that he could hold that would make you a winner.
If he held any of these low cards or Ace-five as well you would split the pot if the turn cards were higher than five. If he held a higher kicker you would lose.

Suited Aces
Play well against a large field.  In late position in an unraised pot you can play a suited ace because of its flush potential. If you do make a flush you will have the nut flush but you have to remember that you will only make a flush about 5.77 percent of the time when you start suited. This is why you want to play your suited poker ace in a hand with many players. Playing a suited ace from early position is not advisable.

A Profitable Opportunity
If you are in a game and notice that many of the players are playing a single poker ace then you have the opportunity to beat them if you only play an ace with a strong kicker.
Many players will refuse to fold an ace even if they have a weak kicker. These players will call you all the way to the river only to be beaten by your strong kicker.
Don’t be a SAP! Learn to throw away those single poker aces when you are out of position. You will see a big improvement in your game and your wallet.

Poker Ace is followed by Hold 'em Tips
How to Play Poker 1 Program
Learn Poker Games 2 with 7 Game Types

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