Chess Backgammon Quiz
This chess backgammon quiz combines two of the most popular and played skill games worldwide. The quiz presents 10 terms, 5 for each game with answers
This Gambling Teachers Quiz will test and increase your knowledge of the terms and lingo for both of these games.
Chess questions are up first, so let's make the first move.
Chess Backgammon Quiz Questions 1 - 5
1) What does the chess term cramped refer to?
A. A piece having limited movement.
B. A piece is surrounded by opposing pieces
C. A piece is stuck in a corner because of friendly pieces
2) What is the Flank or Wing in chess games?
A. Term when a Bishop is moved from one corner along the diagonal to the other corner.
B. The row on which the rooks first begin their movement.
C. Refers to the queenside or kingside of the board.
3) What is a Poisoned Pawn in chess players' terms?
A. Pawn that is used to capture the Queen.
B. An unprotected chess piece that, if captured, could result in a loss.
C. A pawn that is sacrificed to capture a more powerful opposing piece.
4) What does a Royal Fork refer to with chess games?
A. Piece caught between the king and queen.
B. A pawn that has been promoted to a Queen.
C. Pawn in front of either the King or the Queen
5) What is a Quiet Move in chess players' terms?
A. Player neither attacks nor captures an opponent’s chess piece.
B. Player moves one piece to reveal checkmate by another piece.
C. Another term for a player who resigns by knocking over the king.
Chess Backgammon Quiz Questions 6 – 10
6) What do backgammon players' mean by the term Air Ball?
A. Rolling the dice outside the board, thus forfeiting the roll.
B. Rolling a two and a three. Michael "Air" Jordan's jersey number was twenty-three.
C. A roll that gives no advantage.
7) What is a Dilly Builder in backgammon games?
A. Counter that is permitted to land deep into a player's home board only.
B. A double made when having an obvious pip count disadvantage.
C. A prime located in your opponent's home board.
8) What does the backgammon term Fly Shot refer to?
A. Checker that can be hit with a roll of seven or more.
B. Rolling a 6 to successfully jump over 5 occupied points.
C. A shot made by hitting a blot with a blot.
9) What do these backgammon terms of Beaver/Binache mean?
A. Strategy of establishing primes in the opponent's home board.
B. Any point with 6 or more checkers on it.
C. One player doubles, and his opponent immediately redoubles.
10) According to backgammon players, what is a Mixed Roll?
A. Dice roll which exposes two or more blots.
B. A dice roll that displays 2 different numbers, example is 3-4.
C. Dice roll in which only one of the numbers can be used.
Chess Backgammon Quiz Answers. Did you make the right moves with this chess backgammon quiz?
1) A. Cramped: having limited movement.
2) C. Flank or Wing: refers to the queenside or kingside.
3) B. Poisoned Pawn: this unprotected chess piece, if captured, could result in a loss.
4) A. Royal Fork: piece caught between the king and queen.
5) A. Quiet Move: player neither attacks nor captures an opponent’s chess piece.
6) C. Air Ball: a roll that gives no advantage.
7) A. Dilly Builder: counter that is permitted to land deep into a player’s home board only.
8) A. Fly Shot: checker that can be hit with a roll of seven or more.
9) C. Beaver/Binache: one player doubles, and his opponent immediately redoubles.
10) B. Mixed Roll: a dice roll that displays 2 different numbers, example is 3-4.
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